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2018-2019 Undergraduate & Graduate Catalog

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Bachelor of Science in Radiation Therapy

Admission Criteria to the Radiation Therapy Program

Selection Factors

Grand Valley State University is an affirmative action/equal opportunity institution. It encourages diversity and provides equal opportunity in education, employment, all of its programs, and the use of its facilities. Applicants are considered without regard to age, color, disability, familial status, height, marital status, national origin, political affiliation, race, religion, sex/gender, sexual orientation, veteran status, or weight. Motivational factors, life experiences, patient care experience, maturity, and personal characteristics as assessed in personal interviews and recommendations are important factors in the selection process.

An applicant's academic record is important as an indicator of ability to succeed in an intensive and rigorous medical curriculum. A degree in radiation therapy involves a competitive admission process and completion of a secondary application. There are no waiting lists for these programs. Applications are due February 1. Admissions occur once per year beginning in the fall semester (August).

The application requires: (

  • GVSU undergraduate application - students must apply and be admitted to GVSU
  • RT application
  • Resume to include a specific section listing health care experience
  • One to two page statement of professional goals
  • Two recommendations on specific forms
  • Official copies of all non-GVSU transcripts

Specific selection criteria and their weight:

  • Academic grade point average from prerequisite courses (40%)
  • Academic grade point average from last two calendar years in college or university (10%)
  • Interview /writing assessment completed on-site at the College of Health Professions (30%)
  • Health care experience - Minimum of 16 hours volunteer or paid, recommended 2-3 hours job shadow (5%)
  • Recommendations (5%)
  • Additional leadership considerations (10%)

Prerequisite Courses (47 credits)

*Also fulfills general education requirements. **Math 110 may not be required based upon placement at time of admission.

Requirements for a Major in Radiation Therapy

General Education Courses - Foundations & Cultures (22 credits)

Remaining general education courses not covered in the major coursework or major prerequisites

  • General education (Art) Credits: 3
  • General education (History) Credits: 3
  • General education (Philosophy) Credits: 3
  • General education (Global Perspectives) Credits: 3
  • Issues Credits: 6 (two courses which can be taken when student has 55+ credits)

Radiation Therapy Courses (66 credits, includes Issue courses)

Suggested Order of Coursework for a Major in Radiation Therapy

Freshman Fall Semester (15 credits)

Freshman Winter Semester (16 credits)

  • General education (Arts) Credits: 3

Freshmen Spring Semester (3 credits)

Sophomore Fall Semester (15 credits)

  • General education (History) Credits: 3

Sophomore Winter Semester (14 credits)

  • General education (Philosophy) Credits: 3
  • General education (Global Perspectives) Credits: 3

AND one of the following:

Junior Fall Semester: Enrolled in Radiation Therapy Program (16 credits)

Junior Winter Semester (16 credits)

Junior Spring/Summer Semester (4 credits)

Senior Fall Semester (15 credits)

  • General education (Issues elective) Credits: 3

Senior Winter Semester (18 credits)

Program Description

Click here for program description.

If you are in need of assistance please submit any questions or comments.