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2018-2019 Undergraduate & Graduate Catalog

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Bachelor of Science in Nursing - Traditional

Undergraduate Nursing Admission

Freshman Nursing Majors- Traditional (direct admit)

Direct admission to the traditional B.S.N. program is based on exceptional academic performance in high school.

To be eligible for direct admit status to the traditional B.S.N. program the student must:

  • Qualify as an incoming freshman and attend GVSU directly out of high school
  • Achieve a cumulative high school grade point average of 3.6 or higher
  • Earn an ACT composite score of 30 or higher or SAT composite score of 1400 or higher
  • Submit all completed application admission documents, including ACT or SAT score, to the GVSU Admissions Office by December 31 of the applicant's high school senior year
  • Indicate nursing as the intended major on the GVSU admission application
  • Schedule a New Student Orientation session by May 1 of the senior year in high school
  • Declare a nursing major at New Student Orientation

To retain direct admit status to the traditional B.S.N. program the student must:

  • Maintain a cumulative grade point average of 3.0
  • Earn a minimum 3.5 grade point average in the admission prerequisite courses
  • Remain a declared nursing major. Please be aware that a change of major will result in loss of direct admit status.
  • Adhere to the KCON course repeat policy; a student may repeat three prerequisite courses and two of those courses can be BMS, CHM, or BIO. No required course may be repeated more than once

To progress into the clinical portion of the traditional B.S.N. program the student with direct admit status must:

  • Complete all admission prerequisite courses prior to application
  • Complete the additional traditional B.S.N. program prerequisite courses
  • Submit an application for admission to the traditional B.S.N. program by the stated deadline

Prior to beginning KCON clinical courses, students must complete comprehensive health compliance requirements including, but not limited to, a criminal background check, fingerprinting, and drug screening. Please note: all State Boards of Nursing review the records of all graduates who have completed a nursing program to determine eligibility to take the National Council Licensure Examination-RN (NCLEX-RN). All State Boards of Nursing retain the right to deny a B.S.N. graduate permission to take the NCLEX-RN licensure examination, if convicted of a crime.

Freshman Nursing Majors - Traditional (nondirect admit)

Students who have earned a bachelor's degree in another discipline are ineligible for this program. Please see the B.S.N. Second Degree section.

The majority of prenursing students admitted to the university are nondirect admit status and must complete a secondary application. An eligible applicant must:

  • Have a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0 (including transfer credits)
  • Demonstrate successful completion (with a grade of C or better) of all prerequisite coursework
  • Adhere to the KCON course repeat policy which states that a student may repeat three admission prerequisite courses and two of those courses can be BMS, CHM, or BIO
  • No required course may be repeated more than once

KCON admits two cohorts into the traditional professional nursing program on an annual basis; one cohort in the fall semester and one cohort in the winter semester. Admission to the program is highly competitive and a student may not be admitted if only meeting the minimum requirements. Additional information about the admissions process, including application deadlines, can be found on the KCON website at

Prior to beginning KCON clinical courses, students must complete comprehensive health compliance requirements including, but not limited to, a criminal background check, fingerprinting, and drug screening. Please note: all State Boards of Nursing review the records of all graduates who have completed a nursing program to determine eligibility to take the National Council Licensure Examination-RN (NCLEX-RN). All State Boards of Nursing retain the right to deny a B.S.N. graduate permission to take the NCLEX-RN licensure examination, if convicted of a crime.

All courses listed below must be completed with a minimum grade of C (2.0). Continued progression through the nursing major requires a minimum grade of C (2.0) in corequisite courses. All required courses for the nursing major must be taken for graded credit.

Admission Prerequisite Courses

Other Required Courses

The following required courses must be completed with a grade of C (2.0) or better before the start of nursing program.

Corequisite Courses in the Nursing Program

The following corequisite courses are designed for the student to take at a time that complements the nursing clinical courses.

Transfer Students

A student planning to transfer to GVSU from another college or university should work closely with their local academic advisor. As a transfer student, be sure to carefully review your GVSU transcript evaluation upon admission to the university.

To be considered for the B.S.N. program, a student must first be admitted to GVSU and declare nursing as a major prior to application.

Eligible applicants must:

  • Earn a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0 (including transfer credits)
  • Demonstrate successful completion (with a grade of C or better) of all prerequisite coursework
  • Adhere to the KCON course repeat policy which states that a student may repeat three prerequisite courses and two of those courses can be BMS, CHM, or BIO.
  • No required course may be repeated more than once.

KCON admits two cohorts into the traditional B.S.N. program on an annual basis; one cohort in the fall semester and one cohort in the winter semester. Admission to the program is highly competitive and a student may not be admitted if only meeting the minimum requirements. Additional information about the admissions process, including application deadlines, can be found on the KCON website at

Prior to beginning KCON clinical courses, students must complete comprehensive health compliance requirements including, but not limited to, a criminal background check, fingerprinting, and drug screening. Please note: all State Boards of Nursing review the records of all graduates who have completed a nursing program to determine eligibility to take the National Council Licensure Examination-RN (NCLEX-RN). All State Boards of Nursing retain the right to deny a B.S.N. graduate permission to take the NCLEX-RN licensure examination, if convicted of a crime.

Suggested Order of Coursework for a Major in Nursing

First Semester (credits: 14)

Second Semester (credits: 15)

Third Semester (credits: 17)

Fourth Semester (credits: 14)

Fifth Semester (credits: 16)

Sixth Semester (credits: 16)

Seventh Semester (credits: 15)

Eighth Semester (credits: 13)

Total Credits: 120


To progress in the B.S.N. program, a minimum grade of C (2.0) is required in the prerequisite, required, corequisite, and all nursing courses.

A grade less than a C (2.0) is considered a failure in all required B.S.N. courses. Students who fail more than one required course will not be allowed to remain in the program. Withdrawal from a course when "not in good standing" will be considered a course failure regardless of when the withdrawal occurs.

Total number of program credits may vary and could exceed 120 based on students' general education course selections.

If you are in need of assistance please submit any questions or comments.